Tuesday, September 09, 2008


"Text me if necessary. I don't work on Saturdays and Sundays. It's my rest day!" - this sms text was sent by a common Malaysian. Wow... wow... Malaysians do know how to enjoy their weekends. Malaysia Truly Malaysians!

Come to think of it, the first thing that crossed my mind is that this Malaysian surely is filthy rich with cash that please do not disturb him/her on the weekends or probably and other holidays. Great Malaysians! But when one analyze per capita income of a Malaysian it could be pathetic and we are still the developing country.

This Malaysian who sent me this text, surely a great lovers of the Hollywood lifestyle or the Burj-Al Arab dreamers.

When reading Che Det's blog on Cuti-Cuti Malaysia, I will have to agree very much with him. And these are some of his views on Malaysians who are holidays lovers;

'Can we grow faster by not working? I think not.'

But I ask myself are people like me, a pensioner being paid and not working? Or is the country on automatic - administrating itself? Or is it that there really is not much work to do that we can close up for one-third of the year?

Next, Malaysians not only are holidays lovers but they are also party freaks. Family days, Well Wishes days, Khenduris, Jamuans, Annual Dinners, Parades and so on and so on...

Therefore people, if you wish to enjoy and less stress, welcome to Malaysia... Land of holidays! Land of lazy bumps and sleepy heads plus dreamers!

There will be nothing wrong for taking a break. Isn't it too much when one third of the year, Malaysia stop functioning as a productive and developing country? Malaysia stops its brain to think and to plan? Malaysia is so fragile to crimes on those holidays? Malaysia will be an easy target for any economics breakdown?

Do not blame others when at any time, Malaysia is under attack, be it the global economics, political or security, when she offers too many days to welcome all these.

But what about during working days? Do Malaysians really work? Its for the Malaysians to know and the World and Investors to find out.

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