Monday, March 02, 2009


For religion, race n the country... convince the rakyat dear Pemuda UMNO!

Read the comment columns here, and be very scared. UMNO is inviting their funeral much earlier!


Ti Lian Ker said...

sad to note the emergence of budaya kurang ajar...

mantra-indeeptots said...

Yang merah itu saga, yang lorek itu kendi, yang indah itu bahasa dan yang molek itu budi... i think they forgotten about it...

cakapaje said...

Salam Jeejah,

Ameno for religion, race and country; real what! If they hear you wrote bad against them, they sure will kepung you like they did Karpal. After all, their struggle is noble - their religion (whatever it is - there are non-Muslim Malays); race (they are a nationalist movement quite like the Nazi; country - whatever wealth in the country, they'll fight tooth and nail for, omitting the rakyat or giving them just peanuts :)

Anonymous said...

setuju dengan mantra.... Karpal Singh perlu diajar budaya sopan supaya tidak kurang ajar.... angin dengan karpal .. orang melayu yang sokong kenyataan karpal.. elok balik ke tanah asal... jawa ke, kalimanta ke... siam ke...Jangan cabar kedaulatan raja berperlembagaan dan orang-orang melayu... Karpal dari dulu anti Islam dan anti Melayu... sokong karpal bermakna menyokong gerakan anti Islam.. Wallahualam

mantra-indeeptots said...

Salam Shah
Come and kepong me... make me a celebrity!

They r inviting their funeral ever sooner...

mantra-indeeptots said...

Salam no nama
Do we think its fair to swear to others as we are muslims and malays? Watch closely to the clip... Its a disgrace and uncivilised manner to muslims and malays.

Anonymous said...

to anunimous and mantra...jangan jadi melayu yg anti-islam.

mantra-indeeptots said...

2nd no nama
Org yang mengaku islam tak selindung di sebalik no nama... Hanya Allah yang tidak menzahirkan dirinya...